If you are looking for a Power Rack, your search is over. For a minalistic, value-for-money, strong and sturdy unit, we have just the one for you.
ดูก่อนๆ ซื้อพาวเวอร์แร็ค Watch Before You Buy a Power Rack
The first two features ensure a smooth transition between different barbell exercises when starting barbell position need to be adjusted higher or lower first.
This following video clip will show how both features work. It is narrated in Thai-language (spoken in the country of Thailand in South-East Asia) but the video, even without narration, is self-explanatory.
Power Rack demo
So the special features of this rack, many hidden in plain sight, include:
Easily-Adjustable Safety Bars: Most Power Rack Safety Bars have to be pulled out and horizontally inserted from the front post, scraping and creeking its way through its length, to be eventually aligned and inserted into the back post. Then if it is accidentally set at the wrong height, you have to do it over; pull out and re-insert. And do not forget there is the other Safety Bar to similarly deal with.
This Power Rack Safety Bar can be detached with a few movements of the wrist, and re-attached as easily and quickly at the required height for the next exercise.
This Safety Bar is made out of 1-inch diameter solid steel, chrome-plated for beauty and durability, and can definitely bear more dead-weight a human being can lift.
Gun-Rack Barbell Rests: The tried and proven J-Cups have served weight-trainers and body-builders well over the years. However, no one would disagree that to move the barbell up or down to the starting position of the next exercise is a major chore.
The barbell, more than often than not fully-loaded with weight plates, have to be unracked, viz. lifted off the adjustable hooks and put down on the floor. Then the hook have to be detached from the post and re-attached to the new position. Repeat with other hook and post. Then the barbell have to lfted up back on to the hooks.
If done alone, the energy expended could have been put toward another set. If you have a helper, then not so bad. Grab one end while your partner grabs the other and, in unison, lift the barbell and weight plates back on.
With the Gun-Rack, on the other hand, the barbell can be swung up, one end at a time up one notch at a time on one side, then repeated on the other side -- without have to remove the weight plates, nor requiring help of another person.
Installation of a second pair of Gun-Racks on the front posts is possible. Using J-Cups on the front posts, for exercise variety, is also possible. Both are optional extras.